Tag - Wordpress

Woocommerce Custom Sidebar on Shop Page (Without using a plugin)
Make Money with WordPress and Google Adsense

Woocommerce Custom Sidebar on Shop Page (Without using a plugin)

After working with Woocommerce recently, I discovered that out of the box, Woocommerce displays the main blog sidebar on the shop pages. Since the main WordPress sidebar contains blog-related widgets by default, this is clearly far from ideal. I wanted instead for the Woocommerce shop page to have it’s own sidebar, with widgets related to […]

Make Money with WordPress and Google Adsense

There are many different methods employed by people to make money online. And there are even more people claiming to be making thousands each month online, each only happy to share their secret with you if you just buy their ebook or join their premium subscription service. Most of these ‘methods’ don’t work. Some of […]

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